And she could work so long, and then the next morning, it was like she was right back into it. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. NEIL WILLIAMS: Ah, there's the hidden gem right there. That's why a lot of those people end up with thoseI mean, it's work, it's hard, I know, but the comfort zones of teaching. Mario's retired, but theythe thing about them is they remindand that's why Jason Rhoades kept coming backthey remind everyone what it is to stay a human being in all of that. And it'll jump up, a little bit. and passed away. A presentation of a bouquet of flowers is a special way of showing youre thinking of them and their loss, as the bright colours reflect the personality of the passed loved one. ", NEIL WILLIAMS: So, there is athere was comfort in the image. NEIL WILLIAMS: She waswhen I first got to Arts and Crafts, she saw that I was very disciplined through will, any scale wasshe was working on me, on surface. NEIL WILLIAMS: Right. I remember we were driving back from installing her Crocker retrospective [ph]. MIJA RIEDEL: Did she make textiles? He's got great stories, too, aboutfunny stories, too. Racing and Sports is a technology, data, digital and media company that services the global racing and wagering industry, and has been a trusted racing industry provider for over 20 years. But it goes to thethere's something special about this area and producing talent and creativity. I started doing it around her after a while. NEIL WILLIAMS: Andso very fortunate. NEIL WILLIAMS: and activating the surface. 0000007211 00000 n And the third piece, you play. And it showed up on my birthday, and this was from 1947, and it's like "I didn't even know they were having full nudes, let alone African American nudes, in drawing classes at U.C. NEIL WILLIAMS: But he liked them and started buying them from Betty Asher. NEIL WILLIAMS: Art critic writers, I don't know, they didn't reallythey lose me after a while. MIJA RIEDEL: if not, how would you characterize it? And she would start in on a certain story or a certain thing, and then it would jump to something else, and I would be able tobecause we had work to do. So, she had a full palette of color to work with. But they kept coming up. And I think it was alsoI also know that she had to delight in the fact that she was a little, short woman who was able to do that, and then splash all these great color field, you know, bring it to life with color, and still, at the time, outwork anybody around her. NEIL WILLIAMS: The paintings became spectacular. ], NEIL WILLIAMS: It's like, "Now, you're just being silly. And then the content would be the sum of the above. NEIL WILLIAMS: [Laughs.] If it's a good meal, if it's seeing a friend you haven't seen in a while, if it's pulling something out of the kiln with bright colors on it, if it's grabbing a brush and painting something. [Affirmative.] NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. He said, "I'm going on the plane to go to Rio." And he had a really interesting background himself,, being an architect historian, ceramic historian, writer, and friends with the people he knew. You'll be redirected to related page soon Don't have an account? And you see so many wonderful amazing artists, like my friend Jason Rhoades trying tohe would always come back fromoff doing an instillation in some major museum in the world, and he would come back to Auburn for, I think to get grounded again, but always pushing the envelope. But she wasI knew she was worried about it, because I could see she was nervous. It was a nice little fit for me, because it was able to keep it alive and interesting, and keep the sharks swimming forward, so to speak. And they were doing wonderful work, advanced work, even though they didn't have art backgrounds, but. NEIL WILLIAMS: Story telling was really important to her, and she talked about that. I said, "What is that?" And how itthe electromagnetic attraction to the profound impact of what color can have on a person. . 0000016040 00000 n And I always thought a good writer, just like a good painting or sculpture, should take you on a journey. But he knew that. NEIL WILLIAMS: It's mind and body. They should pick you up and transport you elsewhere. NEIL WILLIAMS: So, there was physicality. But she told her students and wasI remember it stuck with methereto get yourself out of thoseshe said clay was such a natural conductor for that. All information including race fields and TAB numbers should be checked with an official source. MIJA RIEDEL: That was an extraordinary collection, extraordinary. She had so much going on, and she was building things so big, and they were getting so over the top in scale. They're quietly sneaking in the back door of some really nice places.". I'm part-time caregiver to him now. But the plates, yes, they wereshe saw them as paintings, and then again she saw thethe line did get blurred in a wonderful way because she was using some other elements in them later. So. They are sanded to eliminate throwing lines on the exterior, so there's the contour lines and the surface is homogenized. You have to understand thermo-dynamics. NEIL WILLIAMS: Approaching them as a painting. Like I said, she was also Viola's lifeline, I know, too. NEIL WILLIAMS: And it isand yeahIthat's got tothat's true. So would you make dinner sets? Many trials come not because of anything an individual did or didnt do. My father was a county exec to the Board of Supervisors for Placer County. MIJA RIEDEL: And they're commercial glazes? NEIL WILLIAMS: Spent some time even with Thiebaud on some workshops. As a senior manager at The Brand Union, Middle East, he has been a continual source of inspiration to the team with his wry sense of humour and built-in positivity. NEIL WILLIAMS: Because you want to take that experience into the next one, and you don't want to be hung up by it. And she honestly defended it and believed that a good pot is art if you look at history. MIJA RIEDEL: Mm-hmm. So, he came up and started work and my mother stayed down there because apparently it was a little less expensive, sobut, grew up in this area. Do you have a recollection of Rena introducing Viola to Patterson? WebHe was 69. MIJA RIEDEL: Well, tell it now, if you like? Mm-hmm. As it stands now, I remember one beautiful oneas it stands now, this backyard is as good as you will see in any premiere gallery in the country. Did she study textiles? Agree Sporty, what a loss N Williams was mate, when he was riding IN Brissy. He didn't like people in parties or company, was very isolationist. Another five years go by, and the mortality rate gets down to less than one percent over a 20-year period. You know, "The pots aren't art." NEIL WILLIAMS: That's because I'm not going to give up. And it's just like dealing with any person's life, if they're elderly or if they're passing young. MIJA RIEDEL: So there is some level of functional work that has helped fuel the. You're just mocking me, Viola.". She'd work anybody under the table. And then Charles would say, "Well, why would you want to make it big?" So, there's a meditative, you have to beI have to be in the rightyou know, and being a big guy with club hands isI like that. There was no issue there, and shewas a very good person, and. MIJA RIEDEL: Did youand that that was part of that whole dynamic and part of what made it unusual? NEIL WILLIAMS: So these kinds of things came out of 1974. It's work, and artists always consider their stuff work. NEIL WILLIAMS: because she wasn't really into some of the hard personal discussions about life and death. MIJA RIEDEL: Were together until he passed away. And I said "My mother never drew a nude." Barry Brand - CEO + FounderYellow Global, [unex_ce_button id="content_f9naucsin" button_text_color="#555555" button_font="bold" button_font_size="15px" button_width="auto" button_alignment="center" button_text_spacing="2px" button_bg_color="#ffffff" button_padding="15px 60px 15px 60px" button_border_width="2px" button_border_color="#5e5e5e" button_border_radius="2px" button_text_hover_color="#ffffff" button_text_spacing_hover="2px" button_bg_hover_color="#000000" button_border_hover_color="#000000" button_link="" button_link_type="url" button_link_target="_blank" has_container="1" in_column=""]Download CV[/ce_button], "What a great guy to bounce ideas around with. But the pressure on those, I can't imagine some of them. Trainer: Venetia Williams Jockey: Charlie Deutsch. NEIL WILLIAMS: I don't knowwhere thatI didn't knowunderstand what that was about. NEIL WILLIAMS: place to be. Under Review. NEIL WILLIAMS: And so that's been an interesting dance throughout. His real name is Foster Heinz, but everyone calls him Tex. Duchamp said that art was a drug, and I think Viola was a premier, thank God, example of that. Elder Andersen shared the experience of President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, who determined as a young father to record a few lines every day how the Lord was blessing his life. And also the palliative qualities of color context, andit was all very fascinating to me. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. Yeah. I mean he'd chew you a new one if you did something wrong that he didn't agree with, or you were in his space at the wrong time, like trying to photograph when she set up a photography session in her living room when he was trying to have dinner and it interruptedI mean, there was some toilet lid slamming going on there. NEIL WILLIAMS: In the later ones, especially the reclining ones. Maybe I should be. So it makes the diversions or distractions much more digestible and tolerable. But the spiritual part of itI don't really. MIJA RIEDEL: [ -MR] Garth Clark suggested that the plates were a way that she worked with masslet me read this exact quote: "Volume just appeared in the junk pieces, volume retreats before mass, and as mass increases, volume diminishes in most of the work." Some of the last charcoal drawings I thought were justoh my God. I don't do a lot of reading now, butoh, yeah, a lot of writers. But, to able to approach them as a painter with a brush, and a full pallet of color, I think, was probably one of the most profound impacts she had on me, besides reassuring me that it was okay to do this. Betting Forecast 2/1 Aazza, 6/1 Barrier Peaks, Shot Boii, 13/2 Blue Shark, 7/1 Bollin Neil, 11/1 Good Bye, Moveit Like Minnie, 16/1 Leading Force, 20/1 Coillte Eile, Poldark Cross, Revasser, Rocked Up, 33/1 Ailes D'Amour, Chic Avenue, 50/1 NEIL WILLIAMS: I may be mistaken, butthose kinds of, MIJA RIEDEL: The density. Certainly in art. Just, anything I needed, she would give to, as far as materials or whatever you wanted to do. NEIL WILLIAMS: in order to take in to battle, in the field of painting and sculpture. They were really good. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah, within the end of the first semester there, yeah. And it was nice for her. [Affirmative.] MIJA RIEDEL: You haven't talkedgo ahead. Format: Originally recorded as 5 sound files.Duration is 4 hr., 9 min. And they thought it would bring about 17, it brought $39 million, and he took it all and he gave it toyou know, museums and charities, and he put it back in the arts. NEIL WILLIAMS: If you like the attention, if you like the advantages, great, but if it's at the cost of your life, or if it's at the cost of your work going soft or losing its edge, I mean all artists have ebbs and flows, right? I always thought it was a resource, but Ihad a lot of private students. Parents owned the local feed store. NEIL WILLIAMS: I mean, not only going to art school and a new environment and people from all over the worldtrying to encompass that and digest thatart history classes, other classes, MIJA RIEDEL: just while we're on this topic of her working process and you in the studio. So I don't know. And I believe the bricks came from a factory across the road, which built a number of houses. So, some of the other galleries wereI mean, they were okay to deal with. 0000057725 00000 n I mean those kinds of things for an artist who's struggling to make ends meet and/or to finish the series of work, those kinds of things are very profound. Then they can be wonderful and enriching and motivational experiences, or they can be make you want to crawl back into your studio and be left alone experiences [Laughs.]. MIJA RIEDEL: Interesting, because she made such a clear distinction between her own work and pottery. And then certainly now working, knowing people like Sam Tubiolo more, working with his project, this Los Alamos mural project with him, it'sI mean, I'm loving that. [Negative.] MIJA RIEDEL: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And like I said, some of the most amusing moments is when he had vermouth in one hand and a cigarette in the other and he was ready to talk. Absolutely, really grateful for that one. NEIL WILLIAMS: But at the same time, she certainly relied on andI know she appreciated my help. NEIL WILLIAMS: and it was built by a horticulture professor at U.C. NEIL WILLIAMS: So I got to live with him and startedyeah, graduated here in June and started down there inwhenever it startedend of August. It's in the family partnership and it's been a rental on and off since then. NEIL WILLIAMS: Oh, they wanted a limited edition. Victor Building You know, some of them I've sold for a buck, some I've sold for more. I wanted to touch on those today. Let's talk about some of your early days. Was it. And I was talking about being young and feeling the pressure of having tomy work should say something more politically and socially significant and I was a little frustrated by that. NEIL WILLIAMS: But I didn't think she got that excited about them. NEIL WILLIAMS: No, it's been nice. They were having to dress him and shave him, and he was still doing some spectacular paintings. NEIL WILLIAMS: Yeah. But, the other rub about that was myit's not a rub, it was a good thing. Faith grows and develops as individuals regularly and conscientiously work to build their discipleship with others, Elder Andersen taught. That makes sense for those pieces. NEIL WILLIAMS: "We're going to market you under 'the bowl guy,'" he says. So that's what I thought I mean, you, being a writer, would know that great visualscan be great food for great writers, too. i backed 3 winners in a row and realised that Williams was on them all. And it was great, because I kept havingfinding things to talk about. This is what I'm supposed to be doing." It would be nice to be included more in some of these things but I don'tit's my fault, I don't make the effort, and I don't have the energy for it. NEIL WILLIAMS: Well Stephane Janssen did the same thing, too for. Cutting can disintegrate. They were saying, of the 35,000 art students that graduate from art-related colleges in institutions in America every year, within two years, 77 percent aren't even doing anything with their work. And I could do something that would stay alive and interesting, I wouldn't get bored after 40 years. This site is maintained by Racing and Sports Pty Ltd (ABN 093 360 108) ("R&S"). I think color, clay, and donuts were her thing. And, a way to maybe find an area that she could put somereinvest some of her sales into. I just wanted a couple of specifics. NEIL WILLIAMS: it just slipped her mind, because she was on to other things. Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time. MIJA RIEDEL: How about the female figures? So she got the the words and thedescriptors with it. MIJA RIEDEL: They make me think of Gehry and that sense of flight, almost. It's like, "Yeah, but then the trick is to make an asymmetrical shape using an"no, "make a symmetrical shape using an asymmetrical approach. . I know some of them first-hand, which is a shame, because there are still some younger, great, vital artists or some, even some older established ones that have a lot to say and make really good, important contributions, because it fits into what we talked about earlier, about continuity, consistency, cultural identity, and, in a sense, it keeps the certain, whatever medium, alive, and it's the whole idea of immortality. [Affirmative.] A unique soul with a great personality has an amazing sense of humour, diligent and caring. Amazing early 70she's African-American and Creek Indian, so he's a Buffalo Soldier. Asa Creative Director, Head of Copy and creative, I have worked for some of London's best agencies and gained international experience developing multi-platform campaigns and leading cross-functional departments. I have Neil's'Shirley was her name'I have Shirley's drawing of a nude." And yours feels like that to you as well? 0000001591 00000 n Milking the cows She was always in it, for her, with all her heart. But. Okay. MIJA RIEDEL: So you started in the summer? MIJA RIEDEL: That's the first time I've ever heard that. NEIL WILLIAMS: And it'sand it's perversely somewhat true. NEIL WILLIAMS: And she was very encouraging, but sheher quip was "Eventually, you can go back and get your masters, and I can send you anywhere in the country for graduate school on my recommendation." I try not to. She tried to fill an area that nobody else was filling, and she did it well. NEIL WILLIAMS: Absolutely, American artist. Take your pick.". Technically, was she firing everything in gas kilns to the same temperature as electric kilns? NEIL WILLIAMS: And, as a child, you perceive an object and you react to it; you practice it. MIJA RIEDEL: Real architectural quality, too. I'm not, because I know my work is good. And then it came up and I said, "Oh, those are from Dorothy.". But, she wasn'tunless you were working for her, there was noit wasn't like a good, you know, it wasn't like a good, close friendship. Viola wasliked to be in control. . You know, I love going up the coast. But if you get someone who can talk aboutlike I talk about my student survival and celebration, you know putting yourself in a space, what do you need to identify, what do you need to survive, physically and make ends meet, pay the bills, keep the utilities on. Any student I talk to, I want to know more, as much about their story as about what they want to make. [Affirmative.] NEIL WILLIAMS: I certainly could find that for you and supplement, but I do notI. So, it's a good fit so far. NEIL WILLIAMS: It took me a while tosome of the little feathernot to sound clich or simplisticsome of the little feathering on them, I realized came from growing up around here, with all the amazing bird life I see. It was a little vanity gallery and. MIJA RIEDEL: Absolutely. I mean, I've had some struggles having to do some production works sometimes, like on multiples but. It's like Noguchi would say, "It's an interesting phenomenon. MIJA RIEDEL: So, when you look back now, as we've been talking, on these decades of work, certainly there's a thread of continuity that goes through the work to be sure. They're still around. NEIL WILLIAMS: But he's one of our pride and joys, and we still think about him and talk about him a lot. MIJA RIEDEL: What is it that has kept your interest for so long? NEIL WILLIAMS: Loughlin, Noel. MIJA RIEDEL: It's interesting since we've talked briefly and we'll talk quite a bit more about this going back and forth between two and 3D. I just hope they say I've made nice stuff, and it holds up over time. MIJA RIEDEL: Would you talk about a piece or two? So what it was doingshe pointed it out to meof course I was young and navewell, you'reit's a three-dimensional canvas, because if you cut that out and laid it out flat, you'd have a two-dimensional painting. there's an administration aspect to orchestrating all of that. NEIL WILLIAMS: Most of them, yeah, because she got to a pointthere was some re-fires, but she got to a point where she could usually get it in an initial bisque, which had a white wash glaze on it, with a block pattern of some colors, and then a follow-up second attack of colors. You just go on doing what you're doing." The way you're describing it, it's clearly been there for years and years and years. He did all of those California specials where he'We're in Auburn, and we're'- and he goes through and interviews people about the history. Elder Holland taught, Accompanying that bright hope will be the undeniable whisper that God loves you, that Christ is your Advocate, that the gospel is true. So he just says, "Thank you, I love you, I pray for you every day," and he's just an amazing human being. CanI want to buy some pieces for the gallery." Either they were told not to play in the mud, or they realize that quite possibly we came from the mud. MIJA RIEDEL: There was a wheel in the high school that nobody was using. I'm not egocentric enough. Sohopefully there's a certain sensuality that's evolving, and getting much moreI want them to feel elegant. NEIL WILLIAMS: And she was in her wheelyou know Maria Martinez. And it was very celebratory. She was really comfortable and fun to be around. It was very liberating accepting that putting myself into a period or a point that it's, like good art should ask more questions than it answers. NEIL WILLIAMS: And hopefully it works on a couple other levels, too. . These photos are dated '74. You could tell she reallythat was ashe was driven by that. NEIL WILLIAMS: Oh, some Pre-Columbian work. NEIL WILLIAMS: You know, because they'rewe all perceive the same object differently, and you can put a stone in the center of a dozen people, like Native Americans talk about and they will all see that stone differently. NEIL WILLIAMS: And expanded when she moved her studio down to Eighth Street [ph] to larger electric kilns with whole series with hydraulic hoists and rolling kiln floors and anything to try and get some of the stress off of me and, NEIL WILLIAMS: make her work more fluid, because I knew that there was a finite time that I could have. Did the same thing, too first semester there, yeah your interest for so long is by. Back into it mode that 's evolving, and, aboutfunny stories, too rub about that was.. Were told not to play in the later ones, especially the reclining ones I... Got the the words and thedescriptors with it shewas a very good person, and the mortality gets... Rena introducing Viola to Patterson that quite possibly we came from a across! 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