Thanks! If Fomapan is already underexposed to my eye at box speed then that takes away from my ability to comfortably shoot this film in every situation I would want to apply it to. ID11, falls ich rckfllig werde, doch ist die einfache Handhabung mit geringem Platzverbrauch von Rodinal / Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger. Bei ISO 100/21 habe ich mich fr den Silvermax entschieden. And while it does perform better and is a little more accessible to more people, I still think that the film does an amazing job as a 400-speed film. I think that overexposed by a stop it definitely shares characteristics, there is some equivalency between the rendering of the grain, and the achievable contrast in flat light. C. Continuous gentle rocking face up (single neg) in a tray. Content contributor - become a part of the worlds biggest film and alternative photography community blog. Character is quite a subjective measurement, and different people will assess different qualities when discussing it. Aber Rodinal mit ISO 400 geht doch, finde ich. There really isn't any more of a risk with the more expensive film. The developer shouldnt matter too much for this kind of process, any will do.The scanner I use is a Plustek 8100. I started off with HC-110 but found the dilutions impractical for most film I shot. Many feel that it is not a true 400-speed film, and instead, its closer to a 200-250 speed film. Why experiment with something new when I am comfortable with Kentmere? for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers Notify me of follow-up comments by email. OK, I told them, they were pulling a bait and switch with their product and I would be moving to another film. I personally have a love/hate relationship with Tri-X because no matter what I do, the grain is always hit or miss when scanning. Again, it is actually a 100 film and not a 200, but I like it better but it is not close to being in the same league as Kodak films by any stretch of the imagination. Since that time Ive come a long way with my film development techniques, the capability of my scanning equipment, the digital workflow I use to scan negatives, and my overall knowledge of photography. Kentmere 400, metered for the mid-tone. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better understanding of its place in my workflow. Contribute to 35mmc for an Ad-Free Experience-, Fuji C200 Review A short note on my Enduring Love for this film By Phil Stefans, Kodak Portra 400 My First Roll by Simon King, Fuji Pro 400H & Kodak Portra 400 Quest For Colour By Aukje, NOSSAFLEX - An organising tool for film photography - Launches on Kickstarter, The Beauty of Basic: Life with One Lens - By Will Mordell, Camera, Lens, Film and Peripheral Kit Reviews. The landscape of Dungeness seems to suit that gritty-grainier look well; I like it more than I expected. Processed in Legacy Pro L-110 (HC110 knock off) 1:40 from concentrate, 12 min at 19 deg. dringend abraten kann ich vom Foma400 in Rodinal. I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. In my experience it really shines one stop from box, at EI200. Also, it seemed I could never get Fomapan to dry cleanly no matter what I tried. I like the compositions of your sample images a lot. FWIW , I wasn't overly impressed with the photos 2 posts up in it's "Wood Effect". Well because as Neil deGrasse Tyson says, Exploration is what you do when you dont know what you are doing. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. I think sharpness in a film conversation can end up a little convoluted, but of all my recent work Im most looking forward to darkroom printing these Fomapan images on Foma paper double the grain, sharpness doesnt come into it at all, and Im positive the results will be exactly what Im looking for! Its predictable, and has a very classic feeling to it. A good analogy is what bikers like to say: "The fun is in the journey, not the destination.". Id say that Fomapan 400 is fairly low grain, but largegrained very visible, but not bad to my eye. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And to those who want to shoot it at ASA-400 or even faster, I say go for it! I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. Vor Korn habe ich keine Angst, solange kein 80 Schleifpapier Look entsteht. I then used Lightroom for final adjustments and export. Simply register for free here We are always happy to welcome new members! However it absolutely shines as a character film when over exposed I really do believe it to make more sense as a 200/300ish speed as many online similarly claim. Es bleibt noch der robuste HP5, doch muss man sich auch mal Alternativen ansehen. I liked the contrast of HP5 Plus but found it made shadows hard to recover without noticeably increasing the apparent grain, while I often times found myself applying graduated filters to tone down the graininess of skies in Tri-X. Can you talk about what developers you used? Simon, nice job! Kentmere 400, exposed for the sky almost a perfect gradient from the top of the frame to the middle where it falls off into blown out territory. August 27, 2018. by twhittlesea. News, Tips & Reviews. Some people maintain that it has that vintage TriX feel from the 60s. I have used this film pushed to 3200 when shooting my kids indoor sports, for example. When I expose an image Ill usually choose to expose for my subject, and in mixed lighting that often means exposing for the shadow. For this article however I think that shooting both films in their most basic ways makes the most sense for a comparison. However for a budget option I hope that this article helps people to decide on something to try themselves! I have been using Kentmere 400 for years now, primarily because its comes in at the cheaper (cheapest?) und das, obwohl sie weder Ahnung von Fotografie noch von Chemie hat). At any rate, nice shots. 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. Glad you found it useful! Kentmere is a low contrast film which leaves you a lot of room to work in the shadows, and turns out great when developed in DD-X. Interesting you thought of the surveillance film; thats not an analogy Id considered, but I can see where youre coming from!Ive done all kinds of different exposures and dev types for the Fomapan, as documented here, here, and here.If bulk rolling Id personally stick with HP5+, but the Fomapan is cheap enough to warrant a try! Ive never had an issue with a frame of film being too soft as a result of anything other than user error in terms of mis-focusing it. This article was most recently updated in November 2022, and a log of the updates can be found at the bottom of the article.). Fomapan 400 is the fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films. I shoot both of them. If you need a budget film, Kentmere is your best choice. One of the reasons I came back to Fomapan is because I was told by a commenter on an article about FujiFilm Neopan that it shares some of its soul with that film. I chose the images below specifically because they have some big chunks of sky. If everything goes well I will save up some pennies for an Olympus Pen FT. I was actually surprised that the overexposure didnt do much in terms of reducing contrast Fomapan 400 is a renowned high contrast film, and I really expected my results to have a little less bite. Ill tweak things in time and see if anything can be made to work better for me, but for now these are my opinions on each emulsion! Id say its Kentmere on the left and Fomapan on the right. In any case, most of my enjoyment comes from the process, not my crummy images. I shot my final roll at a night time outdoor drumming event with harsh lighting on drummers in costume and that came out well too. Fomapan 400, metered for the batons. Its all about developing the film correctly and leaning into developers that can help reduce some of the less desirable aspects of the film stock. I think again the Kentmere has more detail here, less lost in the shadows and better definition in the highlights. Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 65mm F3.5. The high contrast results really lent a wonderful aesthetic to those images, and Im glad I didnt choose to take Kentmere. den habe ich in D76 zu recht brauchbaren ergebnissen bringen knnen. als der Silvermax darin ebenso mit guten Ergebnissen entwickeln lassen. My experiences with both of these films has been through sharp lenses Leica, Zeiss, Nikon, some of the most reputable lenses for sharpness every produced. Again my apologiesKurt, I think a slight pull in the development would yield better resultsvery hot highlights, Foma isnt very forgiving with development variances. Especially considering the cost Id be happy to shoot this when the light calls for it, and keep my standard Delta and HP5 for the less than ideal autumn and winer light. The images have a well rounded feel, and its excellent for general purpose personal and documentary photography.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_19',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); The Fomapan suffers at 400, with a blockier rendering, and a foggy grey tone in the blacks which somewhat spoils the aesthetic, unless thats something youre especially looking for. Display as a link instead, Simon, These are great! 1 Ilford HP5 Shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 Shot through Franka Sollida II. Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. Was ich nun suche ist ein Film der bei 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert. Go figure. Personally though, as someone who accepts, even likes grain, and isnt averse to the look that youll get out of both of these films in Rodinol I am definitely thinking that the Fomapan offering will get a few more chances to impress. Mir ist das Ergebnis ein wenig zu krnig. I get where you are coming from. 1. If you prefer yourself, it is possibble to give formula? If you enjoyed my work here you can find more of it over on my Instagram. Foma 400 indeed has deep red sensitivity. I think the example shots in this article demonstrate this well.The grain looked great, and really close to Neopan in my opinion I think the larger grain particles help with the severe contrast. Well, you really shouldnt develop the film in D-76 and, yes, you need to shoot the film at half the box speed. I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. One word of caution when scanning Kentmere films with flatbed scanners like the Epson V600 or V800 - be very careful with the Unsharp Mask. Your previous content has been restored. Seems like the Kentmere offers better tonality, though you call it muddy maybe print on a higher grade paper/up the contrast to get the harder look from fomapan? Zu teuer ist er auch nicht: im 10er-Pack 4,39 bei Fotoimpex. These are nice, there is something about the crappy anti halation layer film when you pull it and blow the highlights a bit, it turns the glowiness up to 11.How do you prevent scratches, Simon? This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I ask because my 30.5m of hp5 are close to the end, and the next one I wanted to try was Fomapan 400 . Thank you! Nice and useful informations. It provides a grittier look than other Kodak films (specifically T-Max 400). Over the years Ive come to settle on Ilford DD-X as my developer of choice, which I used to develop these three rolls of film. It is nice to know that detail is there, especially if I was thinking of taking this negative to the dark room and might want to pull it out in some of those areas: I take most of my photos outside in standard British weather, and I need a film that can be under or over exposed occasionally and still give results that I can get acceptable images from. While Fomapan is still about the least expensive 120 film you can get, its price advantage over arguably better films has eroded since I initially wrote this review. As you might expect, Fomapan 100 Classic and 200 Creative have the best grain qualities; very fine and lots of detail. If youre looking for something a little different or want a bit of a challenge and a change from the near-perfection of Ilford and Kodak films, give Fomapan 400 a try, you never know. Review | Kentmere 400 vs. Tri-X vs. HP5 Plus. But Fomapan 400 is a film that came with a bit of reputation before I even shot it and developed it myself. But for some, $20 is a big deal. Im personally in the Kodak camp when it comes to 35mm, however Im a diehard FP4 Plus fan when it comes to 120 and 4x5. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You know what they basically said? Ariston, if you are bulk loading then both films require loading in the dark so there is no more of a risk with HP5+ than Foma. I cant find a reputable source to this, and theres nothing mentioned in Fomas technical sheets, so Im really not sure what to think about this. However the overall effect is actually quite muddy, and unpleasing to my eye, whereas the Fomapan in the same condition is undeniably less detailed, but results in a nicer image (in my opinion).if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_11',182,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-4-0'); Kentmere 400, exposed for the dappled light. With some loaders there is no actual gate, just a labyrinth which prevents the light from entering more than an inch or so. The images made with that extra stop of light were enough to allow me to settle for [], [] The images above all felt under exposed. What I carried away from those early years was process, discipline, repeatability. There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and youll never see an advert again! Sort: Order Added Price: lowest first Price: highest first Brand: A - Z Brand: Z - A Top Rated Clear All Cheers! I'm open to any dispute. Id probably let it sit in the developer a little longer next time.Regardless of the negative density, the results speak for themself - just look at the detail in the chrome of the motorcycle pictured below. Although these werent excessively For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Consider supporting Studio C-41 I think that stillness has its place in gear reviews, but Id much rather talk about photography I dont do test rolls!Interesting to hear it seems to be cheaper there Ill have to do some shopping when Im next in the States!Im glad to hear you moved through such an interesting path in your own photography glad you found some peace with the DDX!Happy shooting! I've shot more Fomapan 400 in 6x6 medium format and it's a really nice filmwhere I shoot at 400 and develop in ID11. Glad you liked it!The one on the left is the Foma! All negatives were scanned on a Nikon D810 with the 60mm f/2.8 AF-S macro lens and a Nikon ES-2 adapter, which is a massive leap forward in quality from the V600 I used when I first started shooting film. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. Matt, I just checked, and luckily I did order the extreme version although they left the E out of "Xtreme. Its old world tonality just cant be achieved with the Ilford product which I find rather digital-like. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. All our Contributors have an ad-free experience for life.Sign uphere. However I really wanted to get better negatives. Most of my serious stuff I would not use 35mm for. If excessive grain is not disturbing you for the Fomapan 400 you can go for Rodinal. Copyright 2020 Beyond the Aperture / MWI, All Rights Reserved, How to Identify and Use Rolleinar Lens Attachment Sets, Color Filters in Black and White Photography: An Introduction and Examples, Inspiration Found: What to Shoot When Youre Out of Ideas, Diagnosing Light Edges on Images (Dark Edges on Negatives). AG develop using Fujifilm Negastar chemistry, and honestly I dont really ever see much difference between rolls Ive developed myself and those done by external labs but then Im not a chemical connoisseur in the way some others may be. I'll add that I've only been using Foma films for about four years but I am yet to come across any QC issues. ago. Both are good contrasty films, solooking for something that has a smoother or harsher transition will likely inform your decision here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-banner-1','ezslot_14',185,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-banner-1-0'); Grain is an interesting one, as different developers will offer different granular results. Working on a budget? I disagree that Fomapan 400 is garbage, but it is very different to HP5+. Weniger, als eine Flasche Silvermaxentwickler und eine Flasche Rodinal ;-). und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. Thank you Daniel! The recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a more consistently quality film that pushes much better. ? Kentmere definitely has a cubic grain structure, and is only really visible when severely underexposed usually my experiences have been of a very fine grain. Additionally, while I have shot Fomapan in 135 (35mm) format, this review pertains solely to the 120 (medium format) version. less forgiving) than HP-5 or Delta 400. Its really worth trying different kinds of exposure with different films, as any one film stock can have any number of different looks depending on how its treated. I dont usually see much point in discussing my workflow for development and scanning, as for me the art lies in making the images moment to moment, and not in the chemistry necessary to reveal that on film. Thanks for taking the time out to write this fascinating and informative piece! Pop in a blues CD and Im in the zone. Too many reviewers shoot their backyard trees. Especially if Im working at a reenacting event. 5 Reasons Why You Should Try Fomapan 200. I love your city scenes. But you can also use Adox XT-3, Ilford Microphen, or stand development in Rodinal; go with an hour in 1+100, and that should even things out nicely. I buy all of my film from Analogue Wonderland. I bought some and tried it and it worked. However I think because of the grain structure I often perceive the Fomapan to have a little bit of an edge in sharpness. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. roll of Kentmere 400. And I thought taping over the red dot was silly. Bottom line: Youll encounter Fomapan in a lot of places you wouldnt know you are. You write from your shoes on the groundand no tree shots. I process this through Lightroom and allow any tweaks in terms of correcting the scan, not altering. To begin, Fomapan is available in three speeds, with the following names: Of the three, I originally found 400 Action to be the most useful largely due to the ISO 400 speed, and its ability to cover a wide range of shooting situations. First, a quick bit about the technical specs behind this comparison. I dont think film is itself an inherently sharp medium when comparing to even the most basic digital sensor, but if sharpness is something youre looking for then you shouldnt be disappointed with either of these options. So what does this mean to you as a photographer? for totally agree with the article. There are several 5 Frames With articles Ive written here on 35mmc which look at some of the results from these different exposure combinations with Fomapan 400. Also lieber bei 18 oder 19 Grad etwas lnger entwickeln. After acquiring a Minolta 16 spy camera, and a Goerz Minicord TLR, Ive had need for 16mm negative film to load and shoot in them. While Fomapan 100 was easy to handle and nail down a good processing method. Theres always something interesting here. TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. Learn how your comment data is processed. Trust me, nothing is worse than getting a great shot, seeing a great moment, and losing it forever because you had crap/expired/cheap film. Thank you. It has lower dynamic range, and must be treated carefully regardless of what its being shot at. With all the bulk loaders I know of, the film comes out of the opening from the place you put the roll in and you then shut the gate that allows light in before you switch the light back on. Thanks to the compensating nature of TMax and Acufine and using a highly dilute (1+63) mix of Ilfotec HC. Also, Fomapan 400 is a film that shines in certain situations and conditions and if youre looking for a specific look and feel to your black & white images. Film Comparison: Kentmere 400 Vs Fomapan 400, Accidentally over exposing Lumography Lady. I know its a bit of a cop out to end a comparison piece like this with the statement that Ill shoot both, but they really do serve different purposes in my workflow. But dont limit yourself to those; it also sings in Kodak D-23. I tried (semi-succesfully) push foma200 1 stop in rodinal and its definitely also worth checking out, the foma200 film gives (imo) better results than the 400. I recommend having a look at the images found in those to assess the qualities to be found at each different methodology. weil rodinal von AGFA ist. So by exposing for the shadows, youre basically over exposing it 2-3 stops and thus placing the shadows off the toe and onto the linear part of the film curve? You can see the loss of highlight at the top of the frame, but there are more shades of grey that are maintained. Is that the new Jane Bond? Re: Fomapan 100, 200 and 400. I dont believe that reusable developers are a great idea with Fomapan, due to the anti-halation dye (see above, and a note below as well); one-shot developers where you can dump it off seem like the best bet. I may give that a try, but if the highlights are missing in one of my images thats normally in service of correctly exposing some other area. Fomapan 400, exposed for the sky behind the drivers cab. These films are reasonably similarly priced, at around 25 for a pack of 5x 36-shot rolls at time of writing. My bottom line is that while I might well have first considered Fomapan for the price alone, its a decent quality black-and-white offering that delivers good results at a favorable price point. An update here. Hi Simon,I always like your reviews and commentariesthey come from a perspective of a workingman photographer. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. The images more often than not remind of me Tri-X at box speed that prevailing grey-tone is distinct. vermutlich kommst du mit 15 Minuten fr einen rein analogen Nassworkflow aus. Kentmere is better in general, more dynamic range. It is a bit of a marmite film that gives some very different results depending on the use case. 100, incident meter, added a stop for bellows extension, at f/45 got 6 seconds, increased to 43 sec for reciprocity failure. Its not a popular developer for some reason but its cheap as chips and delivers a fine grain. Ich bin immer etwas unsicher welche Entwicklungszeiten ich nehmen soll, da ja nie klar ist um welche Version des Filmes es sich handelt. (meine Frau sagt ja, das sei alles nur Voodoo und dass man das mit dem Kippen auch getrost bleiben lassen oder komplett bertreiben kann. Added additional sample images. Easy to introduce texture in those areas in a print just by flashing the paper beforehand, if that is something that perticularly worried anyone who doesnt want any areas of pure white on their image. ehrlich gesagt habe ich keine Ahnung. 400 ISO Film Comparison All film was exposed at 400 ISO and developed in Fotospeed FD10 film developer (1+9) for the recommended time. Deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie of films noch von Chemie hat.... Grain, but largegrained very visible, but largegrained very visible, but not bad to my.... Bergger Pancro 400 shot through Pentacon Six TL 2 Bergger Pancro 400 shot through Franka II! Behind this comparison with Kentmere think because of the grain is not a popular developer for some reason its. 100 was easy to handle and nail down a good processing method ( specifically T-Max 400.. Ein film der bei 400/24 oder etwas weniger gut mit Rodinal harmorniert hat.! 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