38 super academy

This is simply because the original before the +P designation was a development of the .38 ACP. However, there are not as many specialty self-defense rounds made in .38 super as compared to 9mm. Full Details. Julianns investment in me is a big part of the reason why I am where I am today, and I cant recommend (or thank) her more profusely. Page 1 of 1. Hi Ben, email me at [email protected] if you are interested in selling your 38 super ammo. A standard single-stack magazine in a 1911-style semi-automatic pistol holds nine to eleven rounds, plus one in the chamber. Katakana (, Japanese pronunciation: [katakana]) is a Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system along with hiragana, kanji and in some cases the Latin script (known as rmaji). So if the ammunition is marked .38 Super +P, it is still a .38 Super. By any standard, the caliber and the 1911 handgun are excellent defensive or tactical choices. The .38 Super is dimensionally identical to the .38 ACP of 1900. Ironically, I do. 26 years and still my favorite pistol. The .38 Super +P is very popular in Australia (partly due to firearms laws prohibiting calibers over .38 caliber from use in IPSC) and Latin America in regards to competition shooting and is also finding its way back into the role of a concealed carry caliber. The effectiveness of the caliber cannot be argued. Comes with batteries installed plus one extra set. 38 Super ammunition for sale with free shipping on bulk ammunition orders available only at Target Sports USA. It was customized with Wilso Combat grip safety, skelontized trigger and green fiber optic front sight. Tangfolio Match Elite chambered in 9mm. This ammunition features jacketed hollow point bullets and reloadable brass cases. You should consider using this section as a guide so you are able to make a more informed decision on 38 Super Pistols and how you can use them to your advantage. . The V-Crown load offers an excellent 125-grain hollowpoint. It was introduced in the late 1920s as a higher pressure loading of the .38 ACP, also known as .38 Auto. All you need to do is hit your targets and come out on top against the competition. In addition to that she was also one of the most knowledgeable coaches I've ever worked with. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! Handgun Reviews; Rifle Reviews . Despite having the same dimensions, it is not highly recommended that you shoot a .38 ACP in a .38 Super. The FMJ load is distinguished by brass cases. An old timer gave me several boxes of ammo and I reload as well but it can be hard to find. Ramp - .38 Super BuyItNow! Saw first 38 super at USPSA match. This pistol will surely give some of the others a run for their money in some of the characteristics and features it has. $1,999.99 $1,699.99. This 38 Super pistol is no different. I bought a gun to fit my mistake,and dont regret it ,shoots dead accurate and hardly any recoil. Due to the large case volume, the .38 Super packs a good amount of smokeless powder, resulting in a high muzzle velocity. At the time, 175 was the lower limit for "major class" (currently, the IPSC major power factor is 165). Keep reading to learn about a few things to look out for. 1557 fps & 553ft lbs. SIGN IN. My guess is that it wouldn't be legal for CMP or NRA precision pistol events, even if it could be altered for wadcutter ammo. If you are a frequent visitor of outdoor ranges, youll want a pistol that will make every experience enjoyable. The SAAMI pressure limit for the .38 ACP or .38 Auto is set at 26,500 psi (182.72 MPa), piezo pressure. This is impressive from a semi-automatic pistol and is comparable to the .357 SIG. $39.89. I use the Colt Combat Commander. I always loved that pistol. I have been reloading .38 Super since 1982 and find it to be a great round, very accurate and hits harder than 9mm. Guy I worked for said to try this, a Colt Combat Commander in .38 Super. The Rock Island is a fun gun to fire and use. Was an excellent firearm but I let it wiggle its way out of my collection and into one of my buddys who had become obsessed about acquiring it till he offered a deal that I couldnt pass up. Surprisingly, yes. Item Number: 90324. Modern ammunition is often marked .38 ACP +P. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. While I enjoy the wonderful 45 cartridge I much prefer the higher capacity and easier control of follow up shots with the 9mm and 38 Super. Gun #: 912007840. Academy38 is an Elite program that encourages young athletes to be confident and push themselves to be their best on and off the field. We believe every student has the ability to advance academically and progressively show observable and quantitative growth. ANi8LFqsFTaJNApsite turnto.com. recoil spring and a shock-buff. Ive made hits with the Colt at 300 yards using Remington factory 130 grain FMJ. In fact, its one of the preferred 38 Super Pistols that is preferred by competitive shooters due to some of its excellent qualities. Wow! Have shot it in bullseye competition and USPSA. 38 Super Auto Handguns. Have a EAA Witness Compact converted to 38 Super and it is a tack driver. The Lockheed P-38 Lightning is an American, twin-engine, multi-role, long-range fighter with a double-bar structure with a three-wheeled undercarriage and a full metal structure. The .38 Super has gained distinction as the caliber of choice for many top practical shooting competitors; it remains one of the dominant calibers in IPSC competition. Para is out of business, some miss them, while some do not. Notify Me When Available. While I like the Para very much, if you are interested in a .38 ACP Super, the readily available Rock Island 1911 is a better choice than hunting down an out-of-production handgun. I have a Colt 1911 in 38 special.. (not a super) that was made for the U.S. ARMY NATIONAL MATCH TEAM in the 1960s. Superbook - The Power of Story Superbook supports the spiritual development of children all over the world through the power of story. When we lived in Oklahoma City, the guys I shot with were always giving me a hard time about my Colt in 38 Super. Hinterland #: 177906; MFG #: 1911A138; In stock. The question is this. About the Online Ammo Store. The .38 Super could be loaded with a bullet as light as 115 grains. It just might outperform any given high-end pistol you can think of. Your discussions, feedback and comments are welcome here as long as they are relevant and insightful. Best .38 Spc O-ring Laser Cartridge on Amazon Works in ALL .38 and .357 Revolvers. This pistol will certainly give you no grief at all. Chambered in .38 Super, the Grand Master sports a 5-inch Trubor compensated barrel.A Trubor barrel is manufactured from a single piece of rifle-grade steel. April 11, 2017 By Patrick Sweeney. For decades, Winchester Ammunition has given hunters and shooters the most innovative and technologically advanced handgun ammunition. Still use it? Apart from its popularity in the shooting sports, the .38 Super +P is one of the most popular pistol cartridges in Latin America due to local restrictions on civilian ownership of firearms chambered for the military cartridges, such as 9mm Parabellum and .45 ACP. In the 80s people began to realize that head spacing off the Rim (like revolver cartridges) was why so many .38 Supers were not accurate, and started spacing off the case mouth, like the .45 ACP. One is the Colt Competition 1911, one is the Taurus PT and the third one is an EAA Witness, which holds 17 + 1 rounds. Sportsman's Warehouse offers this rimmed, centerfire cartridge for hunting, shooting, and home defense for handguns. Academy Sports + Outdoors. 50. Federal American Eagle 38 Super Ammunition - 50 Rounds of +P 115 Grain JHP. Ive never bothered with it and no one I know personally has either. It is a popular caliber in countries that ban civilian ownership of military caliber weapons. Julianne knows what it takes to train and prepare for the highest levels of competition, and gives her best to her players while expecting the best from them in return. There are different brands of .38 Super Pistol rounds that are available. And its also pretty precise with its accuracy as well. Because of its larger case volume, which allows for more smokeless powder and results in higher muzzle velocities at similar pressure levels,[6] the .38 Super offers higher bullet velocity potential than the 919mm Parabellum when handloaded and in some defense loadings. Check out some of the best .38 Super Pistols out there today. There is no pistol faster to an accurate first shot than a 1911 handgun properly carried cocked and locked. Now, lets take a look at the first 38 Super Pistol on our list -- the best overall choice: A lot of new buyers were able to use this pistol to their advantage in a target shooting situation by being able to hit their targets as far out as 40 yards. The .38 Super +P cartridge ballistics have been improved over the years by the use of modern propellants. Can a 9mm barrel be used in a Metro Arms 1911 38 super? The caliber saw extensive use in the hands of the FBI and figured into the demise of dangerous fugitives such as Baby Face Nelson. I have three .38 Supers and enjoy them very much. The .38 Super should also not be overlooked as a self-defense caliber. I have been shooting 38 super for over 15 years. DAA Golden Multi Caliber (9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W, 45 ACP) Case Gauge by Double Alpha Academy Never be without the right test gauge again! This isnt to say it is impossible to find .38 Super guns and ammo. Academy 38. With wood grips and a lightweight frame, the Guardian . I shoot the .38 Super from a couple of Tanfoglios. But more than that, she has worked with Zoe in her training and soccer on an individual basis. Got out and bought a new Glock as they were the new kids on the block. Love the gun and love the round. As a lifelong gun owner he knows his stuff! Caliber: .38 SuperNumber of rounds: 50Pistol Ammo Type: Home DefenseGrain weight: 130. Not many local gun stores stock them, so you may have to shop around. The new Colt Competition .38 Super builds on the success of Colt's prior design, adding another new model for competitors to consider. 0 Back Close Firearms Shop All. The Winchester Silvertip breaks about 1,200 fps with a 125-grain bullet. Brand: Hornady. BELIEVE. ", "Julianne has been our daughters club coach for the past two years. The .38 Super retains the original dimensions of the .38 ACP case. A few reasons. At a Glance: Our Top Picks for 38 Super Pistols. Tests with ammunition besides Cor-Bon/Glaser increases velocity by between 30ft/s (9.1m/s) to 50ft/s (15m/s) on average.[9]. Full Metal Jacket 130 Grain # 1E382112. And youll want one that will perform at its best in any given application. I couldnt ask for more. It is imported to the USA bu European American Arms (EAA) and is called the EAA Witness by the importer. Its tough as nails and allows for excellent shooting ability without any jamming or any other reliability issues that may arise from flimsy and cheap pistols. The very best prices for in-stock 38 Super Auto Ammo | Bulk 38 Super Auto Ammunition - AmmoSeek.com. $38.32. The C.I.P. Its true, the cartels love it because it is a non-military caliber and subsequently not banned in Mexico. And an interesting thing that I hope is pure BS was that my FFL dealer told me when I got the .38 Super that buying it was going to cause the ATFE to keep a close eye on me because its such a popular gun south of the border, used by the drug cartels, and since I live in Arizona, the ATFE folks would be watching me, as though I was gun dealer or drug runner, I guess! Find the best .38 Super semi-automatic handguns from a variety of top manufacturers at the lowest prices, in stock and ready to ship to you! Sort by. a .357is a revolver round while a .38 Super is a semi-automatic round. [3] The .38 Super has gained distinction as the caliber of choice for many top practical shooting competitors; it remains one of the dominant calibers in IPSC competition.[4]. The .38 Super is a fine round for self-defense. I usually carry the handgun with Wilson Combat magazines. Then acquired a Colt Defender and that, I thought, settled it. Likewise when ordering 124gr 9mm bullets to reload for target shooting I noticed the 9mm labeling also said they were not the typical .355 but .356 that I had previously been buying seperatelyfor the 38 super, now I just buy the one size 356 124gr for both. I used Glocks exclusively for carry went through models and calibers, ending up with the G30 and 45ACP. PMC Ammunition 38 Super Auto+P 130 Grain. Their .38 Super pistols held one or two more rounds simply due to the smaller case diameter. For the max in performance, Buffalo Bore offers high-velocity loads, including a 1,400 fps 115-grain JHP. The .38 Smith & Wesson Special (commonly ".38 Special," ".38 Spl," or ".38 Spc," pronounced "thirty-eight special") is a rimmed, centerfire cartridge designed by Smith & Wesson. Back in 71, my Dad had a Colt super .38 he called Max. I mailed 9mm barrel to Gun Smith who for $44.50 he then reamed the barrel to 923. Keep in mind that some of them will provide tighter shooting groups (by being more consistent) than others. Combining higher impact velocity with deeper penetration and you have an excellent self-defense option on your hands. To summarize, the .38 Super gives shooters an extra shot or two and more control. After shooting M9s in the military I was a decent shot. It is imperative that you check with your local and state laws to ensure that concealed carry is allowed. This wont be as big of a challenge for reloaders. My first handgun was a Colt Government Model in .38 Super (built in 1947) which Ive had since the mid-70s. Be the first to review this product. Either way, youre ready to use it when the situation calls for it. He tuned and polished up the feed ramp and removed some burrs, no issues now. Hornady 38 Special 125 gr XTP American Gunner Hollow Point 25/Box. This item may ship from a different location and therefore is only eligible for ground shipping. Julianne is the most experienced and well-rounded coach I have ever had. It's a proven, well-balanced cartridge that delivers what shooters need, whether they're hunting . There are a lot of opinions on the .38 Super. In addition to those two self-defense benefits, the .38 Super also offers more penetration than 9mm . Its low muzzle blast, light recoil and accuracy are hard to duplicate. What Are the Best Uses For a .38 Super Pistol? 0 Cart. over the 45ACP, and got one. Love the gun and caliber. SuperAcademy es un canal que te brinda MUCHO CONOCIMIENTO ACADMICO, de ah fue creado el nombre. Ballistically though, 9mm+P comes real close to catching up with the Super in performance, and so it will most likely remain a niche gun and caliber. You cant beat going online to find a gun that youre looking for, and I can just about guarantee that youd find 38 Supers on GunBroker, to name just one place. I dont need it for a semi-auto, I need it for a revolver.. Cabelas sales are final, so what do I do now? This compact 4 pocket gauge offers you all 4 popular calibers in one piece - 9mm, .38 Super, .40SW and . $23/box (20 rds.) "" . The smaller-diameter .38 Super in its hottest loads offer greater penetration against light cover than the .45 ACP or 9mm cartridges. Not far from my Bar.Sto, Clark, Briley bbls. However, the biggest advantage was the muzzle brake, allowing for faster follow-up shots, and thus faster stages and subsequent higher scores. 38 Special Ammo. We carry 38 Super ammo from top brand ammo manufacturers such as Federal, Remington, Winchester, Hornady, PMC and others. There in the case was a Kimber Pro Carry II in stainless, she was a beauty to say the least. No Reserve. Be a part of a culture where you can be yourself, learn how to turn your failures into successes and how to make a difference in someones life! With a muzzle velocity of 1,400-plus fps, it will out-penetrate just about any comparable 9mm Luger load. Remember, this pistol may stay with you for the long term so choose wisely. What Recent Buyers Report A lot of new buyers were quite happy with this pistol. In those days, the lawmen were revolver men. That small change means that modern .38 Supers are as accurate as 9mm or .45 ACP pistols. Bu Great caliber! I selected it as it appeared to be the most powerful automatic pistol cartridge at the time. Enjoy your new .38 Super! I love Super 38! My next project is an AMT Back Up in 40 S&W that I recently converted to 357 Sig and would like also make into 38 Super if I could find a barrel. It will likely last you many years provided that you take good care of it. Paul Harrell has good things to say about the cartridge if you look him up. My daughter asks for Julianne in her off-season, knowing she will push her to grow in her speed and agility, as well as ball skills and physical fitness. So if the ammunition is marked .38 Super +P, it is still a .38 Super. All you have to do is find the right kind of pistol to ensure that you get that perfect glove-like fit and youll be in business for whenever you need it. You can use it for competition purposes or something that you can fire off for hours so long as you have enough rounds. I just dont see the appeal. I would strongly recommend her to anyone who wants to push their game to the next level. The .38 Super also runs at a higher pressure than the .45. Despite its lack of major popularity and industry support, the .38 Super is still a very viable option for both competitive shooting and for self-defense. I think the fact that during the 60s 38 Super kinda faded and like I said the ammo wasnt really easy to get. One user said that he was in a timed shooting competition and was able to blast through a couple of magazines while hitting his targets accurately. And Its got plenty of rounds. If you want a pistol that is a replica of the real deal sidearms that were trusted by our soldiers for many years, this might be a pistol that youll appreciate. A .38 Super pistol is designed to shoot at higher pressures. Lehman.[12]. We clamped 3 Oklahoma City phone books together and took them down to the end of the range. got one from RIA, chromed and all controls gold plated love it . At the time, you had to know not to fire a .38 Super in older Colt 1903 pistols. Ive had it since 1979 and love it. Kimber Custom Shop made only 260 Stainless Gold Match SE II in .38 Super in 2001. I have a personal love for both rounds, and if you were to give me a modern double action handgun chambered in either one, Id probably buy one in a heartbeat. If so Where to get 9mm barrel and what else might be needed for this conversion? 1 Image (s) Colt 1911 38 Super Factory Box From 1967. For nay sayers, look at the ballistics compared to a 9mm or .38 Special and you will understand. Colt has been around for a long time and is considered to be one of the handful of trusted names. My latest purchase was a Nighthawk Custom that I ordered, and they made me, in 38 Super. Advice: Buy ammo when ever you find a good price ( I need to start reloading again). A stunning firearm that combines the slide of a Commander with a bobbed mainspring housing, Dan Wesson created the Guardian. Browse . [11] A machine pistol variant of the M1911 chambered in .38 Super was also produced by Hyman S. In 1974, the industry added the +P headstamp to the .38 Super to further distinguish it from the lower-pressure .38 ACP. More recently the .38 Super has experienced something of a renaissance . It would not hurt if you purchased a couple of different brands of rounds so you can determine which ones work best for you in terms of shooting groups. trouble getting ammo from LAX Ammo for target and The .38 Super also appears on the television program Nash Bridges, with the series titular character, played by Don Johnson, carrying a modified M1911 pistol in the caliber. Most competitive race guns at that time were using nothing but .38 Super. cartridge. In fact, the ability to shoot fast and its inability to jam makes this a real lifesaver in the event you are caught up in a dangerous situation. He also enjoys hunting, fishing and spending time outdoors. *For safetys sake, use Ramped / FULLY supported bbls, (My 1.911s been cut for Para/Clark/Briley style ramps),like Bar.Sto, (My Bar.Stos being fire.lapped / crowned @ 11 degree muzzle, as well as most others, for best accuracy), Wilson.Nowlin, Para.Ord, Springfield, RIA, (EAA/ Tanfoglio, very strong, but different platform, also ramped bbls). The Buffalo Bore 115-grain JHP load for the .38 Super is one of the best defensive loads available. Thank you for the review. OpticsPlanet. The .38 ACP fired a 130-grain bullet at 1,100 fps. This high-pressure round sends a 130-grain projectile at 1,220 feet per second. INSPIRE because we believe in the beauty of having a dream, believing in the dream and inspiring others. A small number of .45 ACP submachine guns were also made in .38 Super, such as the Ingram Model 6[10] and Thompson submachine gun. One user said that when hitting targets at about 35 yards out, he said that the shooting groups were noticeably tighter compared to the shots fired at 25 yards out. But remember, it can also serve its purpose as a competitive or casual target shooting pistol. . The .38 Super is dimensionally identical to the .38 ACP of 1900. Our high-quality ammunition comes at low prices when you order online or shop in . Bottom LineThe Colt 1991 Government is an excellent pistol that stands out as a concealed carry users favorite. If you read Superdude's post #9, I agree with all of his listed reasons for owning a .38 super. designation) is a pistol cartridge that fires a .356-inch-diameter (9.04 mm) bullet. Not only did I benefit tremendously form our induvial skills sessions, but Julianne also coached me through the more personal aspects that come with playing a sport- everything from navigating team relationships to holding myself accountable for my health and fitness off the field to helping me decide what I wanted my college career to look like. If thats something you want in a pistol, youve got it with the Colt Gold Cup Trophy 38 Super.Who Will Use This Most This pistol will be a perfect fit for competitive and casual target shooters. Even though she is not my coach anymore, I still go to her for any advice I need, whether it be for soccer, fitness or life in general. To me, affinity for those two rounds would go hand in hand. Power factors have dropped and the original power factors surely stretched a gun after a very active season. Own a Taurus 1911, and have used it in matches. Every child can learn when proper teaching techniques and assessment tools are put into practice. Especially when it comes to purchasing a 38 Super Pistol for your own use. She always pushed my teammates and I to be the best people we can be, and somehow got our group of 16-year-old girls to want to work harder for each other after being exhausted after school every day. SIG SAUER Academy and SIG Experience Center Announce 2023 It is most commonly used in revolvers like so many smaller "38 snub's," although some semi-automatic pistols and carbines also use this round. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). The 38 special penetrated around 1/4 inch into the second book. Part of the felt recoil reduction is due to the use of lighter-weight bullets. Performance. 3.0. http://bit.ly/2Ml3lYE: - 18.00 . But it wont be rendered useless by anyone who wants to use it for concealed carry. I presently shot mostly bullseye. Bottom LineThe Colt Gold Cup Trophy 38 Super is a pistol that belongs on the top of the list and for good reason. If you can. Everyone i have let shoot my competition series 38 super have loved it, and likes how accurate it is. with an extra barrel in 9mm. $49.89. Call me the oddball but I prefer the .40 S&W in an actual S&W or the .38 Spl. As you go through the list, you should get a good idea of what your ideal 38 Super Pistol is. This will be used as a beginner pistol for those who have never fired a 38 Super pistol before. Her dedication and care, coupled with the expertise she brings following her professional soccer career is unmatched amongst her peers. 30 Super Carry Wins Top Industry Awards. Its built for the applications it will excel at most (concealed carry and target shooting). SIG Sauer offers the V-Crown hollow point at about 1,210 fps. With the similarity in parts and components for 1911 manufacturers and ammo makers Im surprised with as much ongoing controversy over the years between effectiveness of 9mm compared to 45 that there hasnt been a resurganceof 38 super that closes that gap, and in some minds exceeds with power, performance and capacity. It is possible to handload a 115-grain bullet to over 1,400 fps and a 124-grain JHP to a solid 1,350 fps. If so, Ill take it off your hands. Find a size that fits you perfectly and be sure that you are able to have proper control over it. With a bullet as light as 115 grains soccer on an individual basis can a 9mm to! Glance: our top Picks for 38 Super Pistols that is preferred by competitive shooters due to the end the... Best Uses for a.38 Super is dimensionally identical to the.38 ACP fired a 130-grain bullet 1,100. And no one I know personally has either in all.38 and.357 Revolvers to.! In one piece - 9mm,.38 Super ( built in 1947 ) which ive had since the.... 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